Rufous Bellied Seedsnipe to Rufous Potoo



Next Departures

2024 2025
10 to 20 Feb 08 to 28 March
13 to 23 Jul 08 to 18 Jun
14 to 24 Sep 13 to 23 Sep

Day 1

CBREstconetmineArrival in Quito. We will meet you at the airport and transfer you to your hotel. We highly recommend arriving in Quito one day prior to the start of the tour in order to acclimate to the altitude.

Night: Hotel Quito.

Day 2

RBellierobchallengerAfter breakfast, we will head for Antizana National Park where we will search for Andean Condor, Black-faced Ibis, Paramo Pipit, Black-winged Ground-Dove, and other paramo specialties. On our way to Papallacta Pass we will target the Giant Hummingbird, which feeds on the strange Puya Puya plant, then take the Old Papallacta Route to look for Viridian Metaltail and the rare Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant.

When we get to the pass, our main targets will be the Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe and the Ecuadorian Hillstar. Afterwards we will explore the unique Polylepis Forest (the only tree hardy enough to grow at an altitude of over 9500 feet) and look for mixed flocks which will hopefully will include such sought-after birds as Giant Conebill , White chinned Thistletail, Black backed Bush-Tanager. Then we will hike to Suco Lake in search of Silvery Grebe and other waterbirds before arriving at our lodge for the night.

Night: Termas de Papallacta

Day 3

Early this morning we will drive to the Elfin Forest to look for rare and endangered species such as Masked Mountain-Tanager, Paramo Tapaculo, and Agile Tit-Tyrant, among others. We will allow time to revisit the Polylepis Forest to clean up on any missed target species before heading on to Guango Lodge.

The feeders at Guango allow “in-your-face” views of many highly sought-after hummingbirds, star among which is the amazing Sword-billed Hummingbird! Other special hummers include Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Mountain Velvetbreast, Tourlamine Sunangel, and Mountain Avocetbill. We will walk the nearby trails looking for mixed flocks and also check the Papallacta River for Torrent Duck and White-capped Dipper.

Night: Guango Lodge

Day 4

Edison-02After an early breakfast we will spend the morning in the forest around the lodge looking for Black-capped Hemispingus, Barred Becard, Turquoise Jay, Lacrimose and Hooded Mountain-Tanagers, and the rare Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan. After lunch we will head downslope to San Isidro Lodge where we will spend the next three nights.

Night: San Isidro Lodge

Day 5

Andean-motmotWe will spend the day exploring the trails around the lodge property, looking for such gems as Crested Quetzal, Masked Trogon, Andean Cock-of-the-rock, and Inca Jay. Few birds can compete with the tanagers when it comes to “feathered jewelry”, and we will search for as many as we can find, including White-capped, Saffron-crowned, Golden-naped, Beryl-spangled, Blue-and-black, and Blue-winged Mountain Tanagers. Come nightfall, we will search for the “San Isidro Owl”, the lodge’s famous “mystery owl” which may eventually be designated a new species!

Night: San Isidro Lodge

Day 6

After an early breakfast, we will travel to the Guacamayo Ridge where we will spend the day along the Pipeline Trail looking for Black-billed Mountain-Toucan, Grass-green Tanager, Greater Scythebill, Ocellated Tapaculo, and Slate-crowned Antpitta, among others.

Night: San Isidro Lodge

Day 7

SicwinguanAfter an early breakfast we will begin our drive to the Amazon Basin. On the way, we will stop at Loreto in the foothills of the Andes, known for its wide variety of birds such as Paradise Tanager, Blue-naped Chlorophonia, Cliff Flycatcher, and Orange-breasted Falcon, among others. Continuing on, we will cross the Napo River at the main tributary of the Amazon, and after another 75 km we will arrive at Gareno Lodge where we will spend the next three nights. This lodge is rustic, with no electricity, and is run by the Huaorani people, one of the native Ecuadorian tribes.

Night: Gareno Lodge

Day 8

Tawny-bellied-Screech_owlAfter enjoying an early breakfast we will hike to an area where a pair of Harpy Eagles has nested in recent years. On the way we will try to find an ant swarm and associated feeding flock, which may include White-plumed, Sooty, Chestnut-tailed, Bicolored, and Hairy-crested Antbirds, and perhaps even a White-lored Antpitta. In the afternoon we will observe the day roosts of the Rufous Potoo and Crested Owl.

Night: Gareno Lodge

Day 9

After an early breakfast we will explore the lodge’s trails, looking for Pavonine Quetzal, Undulated Antshrike, Fiery Topaz, Red-necked Woodpecker, Scarlet-crowned Barbet, Great Jacamar, and Striped Manakin, among others.

Night: Gareno Lodge

Day 10

Napo tamarinToday we will head back to Quito, birding along the way. We will try to get the species that we miss before.

Night: Hotel Quito

Day 11

The tour ends with a transfer to Mariscal Sucre airport and flights home

Please note that this tour may be taken in conjunction with an extension tour to the Amazon Basin or the Galapagos Islands.

Tour prices include in-country transportation, guide and driver fees, lodging, meals outside Quito, and entrance fees to all reserves visited.


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